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Cluster focus

A key focus for Nerang was the development of middle managers working at the intersection of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education and mathematics education through the Leading from the Middle strategy.

This was enhanced by:

  1. Staff Cultural Awareness: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural understandings: the issues/facts/myths
  2. Numeracy competencies
    • All staff trained in First Steps in Maths
    • Community engagement.
  3. Cluster school based initiatives trialed, monitored, shared and compared (2010 -2012). Individual schools were responsible for identifying best practice, implementing and documenting it.  This included:
    • Authentic learning tasks – community involvement in teaching/ learning
    • Language engagement
    • Cultural Connection clubs and/or camps
    • Cultural Celebrations
    • Curriculum cultural samples/sensitivity incorporated within curriculum planning, delivery and assessment
    • Tutoring.
  4. Staff pedagogical numeracy awareness: 
    • All staff in-serviced in First Steps Numeracy via facilitator training and on site professional development.

View the presentation below to find out more about the Cluster focus:

Why we did it

Our focus is based on the belief that the most influential factor impacting on the learner is teacher quality.

How we did it

In our first year we commissioned Dare to Lead to conduct a ‘snapshot’ in each school.


Empirical evidence of the success of the Nerang Cluster Make it Count project differs from one school to the next within the Cluster; however, there have been mutual and compelling experiences that underline its positive influence in improving mathematical learning outcomes for students.