Home / Resources / Make It Count 2009-2012 / Newsletters
From time to time Make it count will be publishing newsletters about the project and matters relating to numeracy, mathematics and Indigenous learners. If you believe you have something to contribute please contact the Project Manager.
August 2009
Announcement of the project launch, and an introduction to the project and the key schools at the centre of the eight involved clusters.
MakeItCount-01-0908.pdf 703.20 kB
November 2009
Ambassador for project, national online learning community and more.
MakeItCount-02-0911-2.pdf 441.51 kB
April 2010
Community partnerships in Orange, culturally responsive mathematics pedagogy, Indigenous support assistants take First Steps
MakeItCount-15-1003.pdf 359.35 kB
August 2010
Why great maths teachers matter to Indigenous learners; community engagement discussion panel
MakeItCount-Aug10.pdf 491.47 kB