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The Make it Count project developed and used a range of resources to help various aspects of the work in the schools and clusters. These became known as 'tools'. Several were found to be very useful and are available for you to use.

How can a Critical Friend help

The role of the Critical Friend made a significant contribution to the development of pedagogy and resources and in some Clusters in parent engagement.

Professional knowledge, practice, and engagement tools

Make It Count has developed these tools to provide a common vocabulary for educators at all levels to talk about their work and to critique and develop responsive mathematics pedagogy.

Significant episodes

A Significant Episode is an event, or a small series of linked events, that has impacted on educators professionally and has helped develop or change the way they teach and think about teaching.

Teaching observation feedback tool

This tool was developed by the Noarlunga Cluster and is a generic feedback tool based on observing teaching.