Home / Clusters / Dharug / Cluster findings / 4.6 Cross-age / Why we say this
Why we say this
Extend pedagogical change based upon planned, focused initiatives
The initial Mad Monday Maths groups allowed Aboriginal students in stage 1 (years 1 and 2) to work together with a class teacher and our Aboriginal Education Worker (AEW). As relationships developed between Carla (AEW) and students, we included stage 3 students to participate as helpers.
The program continued in this format for the first semester of 2012. During terms 3 and 4, we have invited the early stage 1 (Kindergarten) Aboriginal students to join the group, and this has changed the relationships and behaviour of a few challenging students as they ‘learn with’ the younger students.
At the same time, we decided to extend the concept across stages 2 and 3. We initially staffed this group with a stage 2 Aboriginal teacher. The dynamics of personalities were challenging so this group was divided into two mixed stage groups and staffed by an Aboriginal teacher and our Aboriginal AP. Our permanent AEW worked with these groups.